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Patronal Service July 2023

Patronal Service 2023
A Celebration Of Creation And Nature In Words And Music

July 17th has been set as St Cynllo’s Feast Day for hundreds of years and is marked in St. Cynllo’s Church, Llangunllo, on the closest Sunday to that date. This year’s service was in the form of Songs Of Praise, in, “A Celebration of Creation and Nature in Words and Music.” All the various community groups within the village were represented throughout the proceedings.

After a warm welcome by Pam Livingstone-Lawn, the congregation stood to sing, “For The Beauty Of The Earth” which was introduced by Jonathan Protheroe for the Community Council. Jonathan Miller was the first reader, with a rousing impression of Creation.

Followed by an introduction of “All Creatures Of Our God And King,” Ian Goldstraw, representing The Friends Of St Cynllo’s Church, reminded us of the beauty of all God’s creatures. Reverend Petra came along especially to read Dai Woolridge’s lovely, illustrated book, written in rhyme, “God’s Brilliantly Big Creation Story.”
Rosemary Hanna read Psalm 104, which presents a picture of God as creator & a sweeping view of the world & all its glorious habitats.

Next came a musical interlude, performed by Trevor & Debbie Jones, (who sang,) accompanied on their acoustic guitars, for Llangunllo Community Hall and The Greyhound Inn. First came, “Let It Grow” which was written by Eric Clapton, after turning his life around from a troubled path, for many years. This was followed by, “The Caravan Song” written by Mike Batt, for the film score of Caravans, a fictional, tragic Iranian-American story. Debbie explained the lyrical relevance to creation for each composition they chose.

The poem, “Nature-God’s Creation written by Jisy Matthew, expressed how incredible the wonder of creation and nature are, how consideration and understanding for our world is so important. It was read by Isabel Morris, representing Llangunllo WI.
Isabel remained at the lectern to introduce a sure favourite, “All Things Bright And Beautiful” on behalf of The Evergreens, during which the collection was taken.

Pam then talked about the wonderful work done by Cuan Wildlife Rescue, based in Much Wenlock, which helps wild animals, especially if they are sick or injured. CWR had even been called upon to try to help a young bat that fell from the ceiling inside St Cynllo’s, a short while ago. Pam and David Blake transported the bat into the care of the rescue centre, but despite their best efforts, it didn’t survive. However, Pam and Dave had a happier ending to a rescue, when an injured bird taken on another occasion, was released back into the wild after a few days.

Hilary Howcroft told us of her involvement & passion for helping with Caring for God’s Acre, an organisation that helps to support people’s enjoyment of churchyards & is known to use traditional tools. After prayers, there was time for contemplation, as organist, George Baker played, “What A Wonderful World.” The song, made famous by Louis Armstrong in 1967, was a perfect choice to compliment the theme.
The final hymn, rounding off an enlightening evening, was “How Great Thou Art” chosen for Gravel Chapel & introduced by Keith Williams.

Before the final Blessing and Grace were given, Pam thanked everyone for taking part and attending this special service and invited all to share some mouthwatering savoury and sweet refreshments and enjoy a celebratory glass of fizz.

Words: Debbie Jones Photos: Debbie Jones & Laura Woodside-Jones.