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Llangunllo Women’s Institute

Llangunllo W.I. was formed in 1922 and is now one of the oldest institutes in the Powys Radnor Federation.

The logo of the W.I. is “inspiring women” and we certainly try to aspire to this in the meetings and events we hold throughout the year. We aim to have a varied and enjoyable programme for members consisting of a variety of speakers to visits and social evenings.

We attend County and National events and each year vote on important Resolutions. With the recent closing of Denman, the W.I. college in Oxfordshire, courses are now available to members online.

We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 pm in members’ homes, including the local pub, or village hall depending on the activity. New members are always welcome and if you are interested in joining us please contact the secretary on 01547 550 689.

The following poem sums up Llangunllo W.I.

In houses, pubs or village hall
We meet each month to have a ball
Come icy winds and clement weather
Its Friendship, Fun and Food together
Speakers go and speakers come
Our W.I. gets business done
In houses, pubs and village halls
It’s All for one and one for All.

Llangunllo W.I. 2024 Programme