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St Cynllo’s Mothering Sunday Service Llangunllo

Mother's Day Service St Cynllo's Llangunllo 2024

As ever it was lovely to see children in church and they happily beavered away at their special area by the font assembling and decorating little gifts for the ladies.

Of course mothers, in all their different guises and with all their many attributes, were very much at the heart of the service and memories from some of the older members of the congregation were put together in a “Book of Mum” which was read out for us all to share.

The Bible readings told of Hannah, who sacrificed her long awaited and much loved son Samuel into the service of God, and Mary at the foot of the cross as she gave up Jesus to His fate.

The address drew together all these elements, acknowledging the strength it often takes to cope with the challenges of motherhood. It was also the time for Petra to share with us some recollections of her own Mum, bravely illustrating that relationships are not always the stuff of golden memories but part of what makes us human. She also made us very aware that mothers aren’t just those who physically give birth. All women who support, love and encourage children of all ages are acting in the role of Mum and we should appreciate them all for what they do.

After a rendition of “Mum’s busy day goes round and round” to a familiar nursery tune the children gave out their little gifts to all the ladies present and everyone was soon sipping tea, tucking into the usual yummy spread and catching up with all the news.

Many thanks, as ever, to all who helped to make the service an enjoyable and memorable occasion.

Words: Pam Livingstone-Lawn Photographs: Michael Brown