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Technology and a Valiant Soloist to the Rescue

April Church Service Llangunllo 2024

We weren’t sure what the outcome would be when we decided to try morning worship in Llangunllo for a change but it proved to be quite popular. However, the down side of having a service at that time was that all our usual borrowed organists tend to be busy playing elsewhere. This problem was soon overcome by a CD of favourite hymns sung by a cathedral choir, which had the effect of greatly encouraging the efforts of the congregation and filling the church with sound.

The Gospel reading spoke of Jesus ‘The Good Shepherd’ which seemed very appropriate in a parish well represented by its own shepherds – some of whom had stolen an hour or so off from lambing in order to join us.

Linking with this was a lovely solo rendition of the beautiful 23rd Psalm, ‘The Lord’s my Shepherd’, that led gently into our time of contemplation and prayer.

We were delighted with the attendance at this service and will probably repeat this timing later on in the year.

There will be no service at St Cynllo’s in May as St Andrew’s, Norton are to have their first service after the recent refurbishments of Norton Community Hub on 19th May at 10.30 and we are keen to lend them our support. There will also be a service of blessing of the new roof by the Bishop at Colva on the same day in the afternoon.

St Cynllo’s next service will be on Fathers’ Day 16th June in the usual evening slot.

Words: Pam Livingstone-Lawn Photos: Michael Brown