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Home » Llangunllo’s Harvest Festival

Llangunllo’s Harvest Festival

St Cynllo’s Church celebrated the harvest with a family service led by Revd Petra. “Mr and Mrs Harvest,” seated comfortably in the porch, welcomed all and the church was beautifully decorated with aspects of the harvest season – flowers, fruit, vegetables, sheep’s fleece, cereal crops, and of course, the harvest loaf.
The hymns reflected the occasion and the service opened with the singing of “Come ye thankful people come.” This year we welcomed the “Open the Book” team, who, with the help of the local children, presented a story of generosity from the Book of Ruth, based on a harvest in Bethlehem long ago.
Revd Petra, ably assisted by her friend “Bob”, reflected on the story and the importance of generosity to others in life.
A harvest poem was read and the children also performed “Happy Harvest to You” (to a rather well-known tune!) with actions, accompanied on the guitar.
The Psalm, prayers and final hymn “To God be the glory” concluded the service.
A bring and share harvest supper was then enjoyed, chat and laughter echoed around the church and it was so lovely to have the children and their families with us.
Words: Church Committee. Photos: Michael Brown & Debbie Jones.