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Llangunllo Show Spectacular

Llangunllo Show 2024

The Children’s Football took over the empty dog show arena and there was no shortage of players. All ages, up to around 13 years, played the game with great sportsmanship and certainly brought back memories for this old timer. There was none of this latest Adidas or Puma boots malarky, they played in whatever they were wearing.; wellingtons, farm work and walking boots, seemed to be the major styles of the day on this football pitch. It was great to see all these youngsters running about in the fresh air, enjoying every minute of it.

Moving on, the Tug of War challenge. What great fun that was! I’ve not seen a live tug-of-war before, but we are close to the centre of the tug-of-war world champions, with Felindre only up the road. The rope was like something you would use to dock the QE2 at Southampton, a huge thing. The experienced, put together with the novices, was just great to see. Two teams made up of a whole range of people, from the very young to the not so young, male and female. As the two sides start to battle it out, it’s like watching a wall slowly crumble; is it going to fall, maybe, maybe not. Once it starts to go, it just falls to the ground. Burly guys dragged along on their bottoms, unable to do anything about it. Great fun! You have to watch the video as my words can never do it justice.

Tug of War

The Tug of War Competition

The Adult Competition was judged in the main tent and it must have been difficult to choose the winners and runners-up from the vast amount of entries. Cakes; I have never seen so many cakes, all shapes sizes and flavours, enough to feed a small country! Photographs, paintings, drawings, flowers, crafts and produce, the calibre of all competition entries was of a very high standard. The same applied to the Children’s Competition, again the standards were high and choosing a winner and runners-up wasn’t the easiest of tasks for the judges.

Competition Entries

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