Supporting St. Cynllo’s Church
In July 2013 when the fortunes of St Cynllo’s Church were at a very low ebb and closure was a possibility, the community rallied around at a public meeting and the Friends were established, with the stated purpose of raising funds and offering any other support and practical help that they could to secure St Cynllo’s future. Since then many fundraising events have been organised, the most recent being the very successful Llandrindod Wells charity shop venture, and Friends have given time to church and churchyard upkeep as well as helping with services and joint fundraising efforts with Gravel Chapel.
On the organisational side, a committee was formalised with the election of officers being Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and an AGM is held each year in August.
The current team are:
Chair: Karen Edgar
Vice-Chair: Melissa Pugh
Treasurer: Lynn Clarke
Secretary: Maureen Joyce
Communication is by a combination of word of mouth, email, phone, and parish magazine.
A list of interested parties is available and anyone is welcome at any of the meetings to catch up with news and put forward suggestions or queries.