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Llangunllo Community Hall Booking Form

Tue 25 March, 2025


(1) The Village Hall/Community Centre named in clause 2.2 acting by its management committee.

(2) The person or organisation named in clause 2.3.

AGREED as follows:

1. Throughout this Agreement:

  • The Village Hall/Community Centre named in clause 2.2 is referred to as “we”; “our” is to be construed accordingly and “we” and “us” mean and include the Village Hall’s charity trustees, employees, volunteers, agents and invitees
  • the person or organisation named in clause 2.3 is referred to as “you”; and “your” is to be construed accordingly; “you” also includes the members of your management committee (if appropriate), your employees, volunteers, agents and invitees
  • where you must seek our consent, tell us about something or give us something, you must speak to and seek consent from the Hall Secretary or, if the Hall Secretary is not available, any of our charity trustees.

2. In consideration of the hire fee described in clause 2.4, we agree to permit you to use the premises described in clause 2.5 for the purpose described in clause 2.6 for the period(s) described in clause 2.1. The details inserted in sub-clauses 2.1 to 2.6 below and the answers to the questions in sub-clauses 2.7 to 2.11 are terms of this Agreement.

2.1 Date(s) required:

Time required

2.2 Village Hall/Community Centre

(a) Registered Charity No: 1124131

(b) Name of Village Hall/Community Centre: Llangunllo Community Hall

(c) Name of Village Hall/Community Centre’s Authorised Representative: Mrs Karen Edgar

Address: B4536 LD7 1SW

Telephone Number: 07811172767

Email address:

2.3 Hirer:

If you fail to comply with (i), (ii) or (iii) above, we will cancel the hiring without compensation. This is because there is a limit on the number of TENs that can be granted annually for any premises. Lack of co-operation could affect future fundraising by us and by local voluntary organisations.
None of the provisions of this Agreement are intended to or will operate to confer any benefit pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 on a person who is not named as a party to this Agreement.
You must pay as a deposit at least one third of the cost of the booking at the time you sign this Agreement. You must pay the balance of the booking fee on or before the conclusion of the event for which you hire the premises.
We will refund the deposit within 28 days of the termination of the period of hire provided that no damage or loss has been caused to the premises and/or contents, nor complaints made to us about noise or other disturbance during the period of the hiring as a result of the hiring. Payable on or before the conclusion of the event for which the premises are hired.